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Civil Service

A great place to work

A range of blogs illustrating the theme of the same name, one of the four supporting pillars of the vision of 'A Brilliant Civil Service'.

The strapline for this theme is: "A brilliant Civil Service - a great place to work. It will continue to be inclusive, flexible, modern and connected, sitting at the heart of a wider public service. In everything we do we will encourage openness, challenge, innovation and excellence."

The three other pillars of the vision are: Improved outcomes; Effective leaders; Skilled people.

Supporting People Through the Pandemic

When the pandemic struck, Ruby Dixon was deployed to develop and spearhead Britain’s national shielding programme to support 2.6m vulnerable people, and ensure that food and grants reached the needy. I joined the Ministry for Housing, Communities, and Local Government …

UK Government Interchange Scheme by Frances Donnelly

Frances Donnelly, Department of Finance, Northern Ireland Civil Service

Northern Ireland Civil Servant, Frances Donnelly's five-day experience of the UK Government gave her fresh insights into Whitehall's workings that left her both informed and inspired. The Cabinet Office devolution team organises an annual interchange opportunity, where Civil Servants from the …

It’s a strange time to be starting a job during a pandemic

Who knew we would all be dealing some huge leadership challenges during this pandemic? Little did we know how important leadership skills would become for civil servants.  Joanna Roper, UK Ambassador to the Netherlands, on how she approached her new …

The Virtual Devolution Roadshow 2020

Glynne Jones, Director of the Wales Office, explains the importance of intergovernmental working Intergovernmental working between administrations has never been more important given the ongoing Covid pressures and with the end of the Transition Period fast approaching. Here at the …

UK Government Interchange Scheme

Sharing experiences of digital working between the Northern Ireland Civil Service and Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Colin Cluney from Digital Shared Services, Department of Finance, Northern Ireland describes his experience participating in the UK Government Interchange Scheme. …

Supporting our Civil Service Carers

Today is Carers’ Rights Day. It’s a chance for me to thank everyone who gives their time and energy to looking after a loved one, whilst continuing to do a great job. I know this isn’t easy especially during these …

My Black History Month memories, heroes, gratitude and the art of paying it forwards

Black History Month (BHM) to me signifies a time of celebrations. Celebrations of the efforts of our heroes past and present, of their efforts expended in driving inclusivity and improving our lived experiences and most importantly it signifies how far …