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Civil Service

Leadership in Action

Mentoring and Me

A great mentor encourages a person to progress, giving valuable advice and encouragement. But it isn’t a one-way street. Many mentors find building the bond just as rewarding and gain fresh inspiration. Below, Bernie Thompson and Melissa Crawshay-Williams share their …

How to be a Steve

Angela Macdonald on how small acts of kindness and humanity can make a huge difference to colleagues during the fight against Covid. It’s strange to think as I write this reflection on leadership, that a new year has begun. As …

Supporting People Through the Pandemic

When the pandemic struck, Ruby Dixon was deployed to develop and spearhead Britain’s national shielding programme to support 2.6m vulnerable people, and ensure that food and grants reached the needy. I joined the Ministry for Housing, Communities, and Local Government …

What is it like to have visual impairment?

What is it like to have visual impairment? In 2009, Simon Skerritt, a Ministry of Defence employee, feared a future of blindness when he suddenly lost sight in his left eye. Below Simon recounts his experiences. I have had visual …

Leadership in Action: supporting our personal professional development

Mid-year review in the Civil Service is a great time to reflect on our own professional development, and for those in our teams. How people do this is very personal, for example, how we like to revise for exams, take …