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Civil Service

Diversity and inclusion

Social mobility - why the Civil Service needs to show the way

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Jeremy Heywood and Civil Service Social Mobility Champion Jon Thompson look at how the service is responding to the Bridge Group report on socio-economic diversity in the Fast Stream, and more widely to the need to make the organisation truly representative of society.

Civil Service organisations among Stonewall's best

Two women and a man in front of Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2015 banner

Sue Owen, Civil Service LGB&TI Champion, congratulates all the Civil Service departments and agencies recognised in the annual Stonewall list of the top 100 best employers for lesbian, gay and bisexual staff. And who came top?

Cross-Government Women’s Network: looking back on a year of success

Co-Chairs Eleanor Binks and Keela Shackell-Smith

...this year is to create geographical hubs to share events. Many networks are criticised for focusing events at their Head Office, we want to share events with Departments and Agencies...