Civil Service Commission open week – let’s talk about values
...put under pressure to act improperly. It was agreed there was a need for a code - and an independent mechanism for appeal - should individuals feel under similar pressure...
...put under pressure to act improperly. It was agreed there was a need for a code - and an independent mechanism for appeal - should individuals feel under similar pressure...
...about menstruation. In January 2020, the Department for Education launched a scheme to provide access to free period products in primary schools, secondary schools and organisations for 16- to 19-year-olds...
We recently updated the guidance for using digital and social media. Digital channels and techniques are increasingly important ways for civil servants to engage and interact with the audiences we...
...of speakers which included Neelie Kroes (Former European Commissioner for Digital Agenda), Kerensa Jennings (Head of Strategic Delivery at the BBC), and Janet Hughes and Michelle Thorp from the Cabinet...
...for today. We believe that smart working is the best way to work for business - and for the individual. We want it to become the default for the Civil... was born on Twitter and, unequivocally, I’m better for it. A "river of data rushing past" - that's how New York Times writer David Carr (@Carr2n) describes Twitter. For...
...use numbers to give a clear reason for reading. For example: 5 tips for surviving mid-year reviews Why commercial matters The Department of Health’s 6 commitments to increase management skills...
...I take time to think about those who actually campaigned relentlessly for race equality and inclusion, so that someone like me could be free - free to vote, free to... for contract management we can avoid these leaks and avoid any unnecessary costs to the taxpayer. We have now had 1,300 civil servants complete our free, online training and... Anxiety UK for more than 10 years in order to offer civil servants specialist help and support. The Charity for Civil Servants can offer you free membership for a...