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...simple submission) the less effective it is for advising ministers, communicating with the public or getting whatever result you’re looking for. Similarly, small teams of the right people focused on...
...buildings in London. The Charity for Civil Servants annual Walking Challenge also launches today. The Charity is firmly behind the concept of exercising for better mental health. Every year thousands...
Ross Woodward won the 2017 Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Award for Championing LGB&TI Inclusion. My name is Ross. I’ve been a civil servant for three and a half years,...
...with it particular challenges for personal wellbeing. Change, uncertainty about where you might be heading next, and distance from friends and family all draw on resilience. And for our staff...
...This was obvious in every meeting, and for many years I felt that I was noticed as a woman first, and for my skills and expertise second. My mum still...
Philip Rutnam, Permanent Secretary for the Department for Transport, and Civil Service Disability Champion Research reports consistently show that the two priorities for people with disabilities and long-term health conditions... for one colleague may not work for another. It’s very important to make sure you’re paying attention to what your colleague is telling you is best for them. You... complete a referral form and to discuss the reason for the referral with you. Your discussion with the Occupational Health nurse, doctor or physiotherapist is confidential, and being as...
Philip Rutnam, Perm Secretary for the Department for Transport and Civil Service Disability Champion Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). The event was conceived in 1992 by...
...our service, about how they learn and how they’d like to learn. One of the outputs of the discovery phase was a vision for our new digital service for...