Civil Service blogs: the user guide
...use numbers to give a clear reason for reading. For example: 5 tips for surviving mid-year reviews Why commercial matters The Department of Health’s 6 commitments to increase management skills...
...use numbers to give a clear reason for reading. For example: 5 tips for surviving mid-year reviews Why commercial matters The Department of Health’s 6 commitments to increase management skills...
...I take time to think about those who actually campaigned relentlessly for race equality and inclusion, so that someone like me could be free - free to vote, free to... for contract management we can avoid these leaks and avoid any unnecessary costs to the taxpayer. We have now had 1,300 civil servants complete our free, online training and... Anxiety UK for more than 10 years in order to offer civil servants specialist help and support. The Charity for Civil Servants can offer you free membership for a...
...scheme supports people to become regular savers, helping families and individuals prepare for the future - as well as planning for a rainy day. So when the unexpected strikes, having...
...have zero tolerance for any form of bullying, harassment and discrimination from any source, and where it occurs it is essential that it gets reported and is tackled. All departments...
...the Civil Service John Manzoni about a new vision for the Civil Service and the part you can play in realising it learn about new ways of working improve your...
...Working Awards! Nominations close on Wednesday 30 January (see below for details) For the last 6 years we have been on a journey to re-shape how the Civil Service will... appear physically and mentally tough to feel safe. Trouble for fighting I wasn’t an easy teenager and was often in trouble for fighting, in lower sets at school. At...
...For the first time, digital professions have been established across the public sector, increasing our capability in this crucial area. And strong foundations have been laid for departments to share...