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Civil Service

A great place to work

A range of blogs illustrating the theme of the same name, one of the four supporting pillars of the vision of 'A Brilliant Civil Service'.

The strapline for this theme is: "A brilliant Civil Service - a great place to work. It will continue to be inclusive, flexible, modern and connected, sitting at the heart of a wider public service. In everything we do we will encourage openness, challenge, innovation and excellence."

The three other pillars of the vision are: Improved outcomes; Effective leaders; Skilled people.

The Race Champion Blog – difference equals success for the Civil Service

Head and shoulders image of Richard Heaton

In the first post in his Race Champion Blog, Richard Heaton introduces Sam Balch, who writes about breaking down barriers to conversations about race between people from different backgrounds.

Personal Disability Stories: Part 9 – Emil’s story

Head shot of Emil Levendoğlu

To mark Time to Talk Day, Philip Rutnam introduces Emil Levendoğlu's personal account of how he came to open up to others about his mental health.