Supporting each other during unprecedented times

In light of recent events, Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton considers how far we still have to go to be truly diverse and inclusive.
Sir Richard Heaton has been Permanent Secretary for MOJ since August 2015. Before that he was Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office (from August 2012).
In April 2014, Richard became the Civil Service Race Champion. And in May 2016 he took over the role of champion of the Civil Service Awards.
In light of recent events, Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton considers how far we still have to go to be truly diverse and inclusive.
Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton introduces Sherin Aminossehe, the new Race Champion at the Ministry of Defence, who explains why, during the coronavirus pandemic, it is more important than ever that we leverage our diversity.
In his latest post, Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton introduces Sameera de Silva, who talks about her experience of working with a sponsor through the Empower Programme to assist her moving into the Senior Civil Service.
Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton looks back at progress towards greater diversity and inclusion in 2019 - and looks forward to 2020 and the work that remains to be done.
Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary Richard Heaton unveils the shortlisted nominations for this year’s Civil Service Awards and reminds us why they they are so important.
Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton introduces the deputy directors of the cross-Civil Service Ethnic Diversity Programme, who write about their work, the successes to date and the challenges they face.
The Home Office's Paul Morrison asks readers to reflect on some of the assumptions that can count against people, in a plea for diversity of thought, as well as a recognition of our cultural and personal bias.
Richard Heaton introduces Civil Service Race Forum chair Hamid Motraghi, in the second of two posts focusing on the work of staff networks.
Civil Service Race Champion Richard Heaton introduces the first of two posts focusing on the work of staff networks in creating an equal workplace for all, here, the Race to the Top Grade 6/7 Network.
Richard Heaton introduces the latest post in his Race Champion blog, a reflection by Ofgem CEO Dermot Nolan on what his organisation is doing to increase diversity and inclusion.
The Civil Service does the practical and administrative work of government. More than half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public.
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