Civil Service Mental Health Conference 2019

Civil Service Health and Wellbeing Champion Jonathan Jones reports back on inspiring personal stories and other highlights from the Civil Service's second annual mental health conference.
A range of blogs illustrating the theme of the same name, one of the four supporting pillars of the vision of 'A Brilliant Civil Service'.
The strapline for this theme is: "A brilliant Civil Service - a great place to work. It will continue to be inclusive, flexible, modern and connected, sitting at the heart of a wider public service. In everything we do we will encourage openness, challenge, innovation and excellence."
The three other pillars of the vision are: Improved outcomes; Effective leaders; Skilled people.
Civil Service Health and Wellbeing Champion Jonathan Jones reports back on inspiring personal stories and other highlights from the Civil Service's second annual mental health conference.
Regular blogger Brian Stanislas writes about the significance of Black History Month for him and the important lessons he learned from his parents growing up in London.
The chair of the Civil Service Hindu Connection explains the purpose of this new cross-government staff network and the meaning for Hindus of the festival of Diwali.
The Civil Service has reclaimed top spot in the Times 100 list of Graduate Employers - but if you want to apply to the Fast Stream this year, the window closes soon.
In Ace Awareness Week, Robin explains the term 'Ace' and gives a personal view about progress towards greater understanding of what it means to be asexual.
Marina Bolton outlines the support available to civil servants suffering the effects of the menopause, and she introduces Tracy Rose, who talks about the impact of the menopause on her life and work.
Cabinet Office's Lauren Roberts gives a personal view of the significance of Black History Month for diversity and inclusion in the Civil Service.
For OCD Awareness Week (13 to 19 October), Paul Carter from Civil Service HR interviewed leading OCD therapist Katie d’Ath to raise awareness of Purely Obsessional OCD, a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
As part of Working Families Work-Life Week celebrations, Brian Stanislas gives an update on developments in the Civil Service Job Share Finder.
At the close of Mediation Awareness Week, Government Chief People Officer Rupert McNeil encourages civil servants to consider how they can play a part in embedding a culture in the Civil Service that embraces difference and positively handles conflict through mediation.