The State of the Estate
Chief Executive of the Civil Service John Manzoni welcomes the progress in increasing the efficiency and sustainability of property in the government estate.
Chief Executive of the Civil Service John Manzoni welcomes the progress in increasing the efficiency and sustainability of property in the government estate.
Following the announcement of the new Government Hub at Canary Wharf, John Manzoni encourages nominations for The Way We Work (TW3) Awards celebrating the transformation of Civil Service work and workplaces.
Sir Jonathan Stephens believes the motivation for doing a good job is as much about the environment you work in as it is about what you do.
Celebrating the best smart working programmes from across Government. TW3 is changing the way we work for the better - the change starts here.
...for today. We believe that smart working is the best way to work for business - and for the individual. We want it to become the default for the Civil...
Paul Cox from the Ministry of Justice explains how the department is using commuter hubs to cut down on commuting and cater for those who find it difficult to work from home.
Andrew Howarth's 35 years in government property have taught him that change in where and how we work is constant - the secret is to embrace it to help deliver the vision of a better, more empowered Civil Service.
Kristina Butterworth describes how an award-winning project is transforming the way the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) works by putting people first.
The Smarter Working team look back at last week's TW3 Awards, and highlight the best practice demonstrated by this year's winning departments.
This week we celebrated those departments who have successfully put into place large-scale smarter working practices with the inaugural TW3 Awards.