Civil Service People Survey 2019 – the results

John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary, comments on the results of the latest Civil Service People Survey.
John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary, comments on the results of the latest Civil Service People Survey.
Bernadette Kelly, Civil Service Social Mobility Champion, explains the background to the inclusion of questions about socio-economic background in this year's Civil Service People Survey.
Rachel Wrathall from the Government Internal Audit Agency explains how the GIAA tackled issues arising from the agency's People Survey.
Permanent Secretary Shan Morgan describes how they are strengthening the approach to health and wellbeing in the Welsh Government.
Chief Executive of the Civil Service John Manzoni launches the 2018 People Survey.
On the eve of the 'Pride in London Parade', Sue Owen, Civil Service Champion for the LGB&TI community, explains what Pride means to her.
Sue Owen explains the background to the review she is leading of arrangements for tackling harassment and misconduct in the Civil Service. And she invites civil servants to contribute through an anonymous survey.
Jeremy Heywood reviews the results of the 2017 Civil Service People Survey.
Home Office Second Permanent Secretary Patsy Wilkinson suggests things we can all do to help the Civil Service become instinctively inclusive.
John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary The 2017 People Survey closes next Tuesday, 31 October. With one week to go, 227,949 of you...