Spotting signs of excessive stress and burnout

...will never forget and hope never to experience again. However, as awful as it was, it changed my life for the better. I learnt incredibly valuable lessons and developed a...
...will never forget and hope never to experience again. However, as awful as it was, it changed my life for the better. I learnt incredibly valuable lessons and developed a...
Oliver Dowden, Minister for Implementation Emerging technologies bring great opportunities for government – they can help us work more efficiently and effectively. They can prepare us for the future. And...
...the Charity for Civil Servants helped improve his quality of life. Insomnia means you regularly have problems sleeping, but the good news is, it usually gets better by making some...
...we are working to find ways for officials from different departments and agencies to share offices. This musical chairs has helped us save a huge amount of money. For example,...
...Monday, this growing movement, now in its second year in the UK, offers the ideal chance for us all to look at opportunities in our own lives for giving and... option for people with a very wide range of personal circumstances which mean they do not necessarily want to work a full week. And they have taken different forms...
...July), are set to be equally well supported. The whole event is built around a vision for 'A Brilliant Civil Service' and what this means for civil servants. And there...
...17th for ‘integrity'. Always up for a challenge, I immediately volunteered to become the Civil Service ‘Integrity Champion’. I have to say I was puzzled by the InCise ranking. After...
...of pounds on contracts to provide a wide range of public services. So, securing the best deals for government is essential, not only to deliver value for money to the...
...looking: to ensure employment structures do not hinder opportunities. For job sharing for example cost of employing 1.2 people should not be a deciding factor at recruitment policies and ensuring...