...In our latest personal disability series blog, Stella Perrett explains why a workplace adjustment passport is a useful tool for disabled colleagues. Stella's story Stella Perrett I have been disabled...
...work promoting a healthy lifestyle and active wellbeing continuing to raise awareness and break the stigma around mental health through initiatives such as: the first-ever Civil Service mental health conference;...
...the latest Ipsos Mori survey of public trust in different professions. Both are record scores and still rising. Trust validates our impact as public servants, demonstrating that our fellow citizens...
...forums. Working with other Civil Service networks to make the Civil Service an inclusive, great place to work. Regularly sharing the latest thinking on dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia through...
...work in actively promoting disability inclusion and connecting different disability networks across the Civil Service. Membership in August comprised 88 representatives, covering 46 departments and agencies. It is also represented...
...society, we’re recognising that wellbeing can influence all aspects of our lives. Prominent public figures are talking openly about their experiences of mental health issues; national campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles...
Emil Levendoğlu As some of you will be aware, today, 7 February, is Time to Talk Day. To mark this I am delighted to introduce our latest personal story blog,...
...our external partners – allow members to strengthen leadership skills, increase resilience and access peer support. Partnership with the Institute for Government enables members to access the latest insights about...
...a phased return to work after the second relapse. The first was brought on by a role change in a new job involving significant people management work. The latest has...
...start identifying some trends. The latest figures, compared to 2016 – when we developed our Civil Service health and wellbeing priorities – show improvements and some challenges. Three of the...
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The Civil Service
The Civil Service does the practical and administrative work of government. More than half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public.
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