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Civil Service

Improved outcomes

A range of blogs illustrating the theme of the same name, one of the four supporting pillars of the vision of 'A Brilliant Civil Service'.

The strapline for this theme is: "A brilliant Civil Service will provide efficient, trusted services designed around user need to deliver improved outcomes for the country."

The three other pillars are: Effective leaders; Skilled people; A great place to work.

Areas of Research Interest – expanding the partnership between government and science

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Cartoon of story of government science and engineering profession

Professor Chris Whitty on how the role of Government Chief Scientific Adviser is in part about bridging the gap between professions so that we can all benefit from breakthroughs in science.

The Civil Service People Survey – one week to go

Complete the People Survey by 31 October

John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary The 2017 People Survey closes next Tuesday, 31 October. With one week to go, 227,949 of you...