3 steps to more effective flexible team working
...as they bid for and start new projects. The Civil Service is moving away from working in standing teams towards more agile team and project working. Flexible team design I've...
...as they bid for and start new projects. The Civil Service is moving away from working in standing teams towards more agile team and project working. Flexible team design I've...
Cabinet Office Disability Network co-chair Sam Todd gives five top tips for helping civil servants with a disability make the most of their talents in the workplace.
John Manzoni addresses some of the questions raised by civil servants responding to his recent blog post on the introduction of name-blind recruitment across the Civil Service.
...want to go. These sessions are designed to promote inclusion, raise awareness, challenge your perceptions and encourage you to learn from each other. There's also some comedy in there too!...
...of how they may characterise themselves. This meeting led to the first Transgender Day of Remembrance event in the Castro district of San Francisco. Every year since then, 20 November...
John Manzoni explains why 'name-blind' recruitment is important for greater diversity in the Civil Service and beyond.
...more work to do to create a culture that provides the opportunity for talented individuals regardless of gender, or any other visible or non-visible differences, to rise to the top....
...serve. I was then exceptionally proud to be asked to co-present this year’s ceremony with Sophia Cannon, a barrister and respected social justice commentator, at HMRC in Whitehall on Tuesday...
Now in their 9th year, these awards demonstrate the importance of putting diversity & inclusion at the heart of the Civil Service, and act as a platform to share best...
...during Inclusion Week. It’s a condition which impacts on every aspect of daily life, and can become a serious communication impairment, causing embarrassment, low self-esteem, social anxiety, and a potentially...