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Civil Service

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Driving diversity by increasing senior role models

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A Brilliant Civil Service, A great place to work, Diversity and inclusion

The good news is that ethnic minority representation in the Civil Service is increasing, but our senior leadership still lacks diversity. We’re moving in the right direction, but there has been no significant shift in decades. And it matters.

Navroza Ladha on role models in the Civil Service: I wanted to join forces with colleagues who felt like I did and who wanted to inspire, support and champion the next generation.

It matters because the Civil Service needs to be diverse and inclusive at all levels, drawing from different backgrounds and experience will ensure diversity of thought, increase innovation and prevent cultural disconnect. It matters because we need to be more representative of the communities we’re serving so that the public can have confidence in the work we do. It matters because we need to inform, strengthen and challenge decision-making policies and practices.

At the top I recognise that there hasn't been a noticeable change since I joined the Civil Service 17 years ago.  As one of only 4.6% ethnic minority Senior Civil Servants, I am still invariably the only ethnic minority in senior meetings. And if I notice this, could the lack of role models have a negative impact on others from diverse backgrounds aiming for promotion?

Race to the Top Network

I didn't want to sit back and wait, and hope everything would work out. I wanted to join forces with colleagues who felt like I did and who wanted to inspire, support and champion the next generation. The Race to the Top Senior Civil Servants Network came about because of this. But it wasn’t easy. Even finding fellow ethnic minority senior leaders to approach to become role models was a challenge and made me realise the scale of the problem.

The Network has achieved some great things: inspiring the creation of, and working with, our sister Race to the Top G6/7 Network, which was launched in June 2016 with an overarching aim of supporting more grades 6 and 7s reach senior positions. We worked together to run workshops, start work-shadowing programmes and host networking events. By establishing a register of interested diverse senior leaders we have been able to help departments by supporting them to hold interviews with more diverse selection panels.

But the area that I think we can potentially make the most difference is by just getting out there, telling our stories and encouraging others.

I’ve realised that there are enough of us willing to put our heads above the parapet, to talk honestly about the issues,  roll up our sleeves and do our bit so that others can see a future for themselves in the Civil Service.

Allowing everyone to reach their career potential

Everyone should feel that the Civil Service is a place of opportunity where they can reach their career potential. The Network’s Role Models Programme, brilliantly led by Naomi Mallick at Ministry of Justice (MoJ), is showing the impact the right role models can have on careers.

Members of the Race to the Top Network have reflected on the influence of role models in their lives and careers, and their colleagues, including apprentices at the start of their Civil Service career.  Everyone needs someone to inspire them, encourage them and point the way and people want to know ‘can someone like me succeed?’  We have been asking senior leaders from ethnic minority backgrounds to tell their stories – through videos and other media – and to offer their tips and encouragement to others.

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  1. Comment by Anurag Sharma posted on

    There is no harm in running such initiatives but before committing to any initiative and investing your time and effort do some research. I know most of us have to work somewhere to earn livelihood.
    I quote a paragraph from the research done specifically in civil service below.
    "BAME staff across all levels of responsibility do not feel they work for an organisation that is open, fair and inclusive. Lack of BAME role models at senior civil service (SCS) level is demoralising for those who are committed to a career in the Civil Service and want to progress. They see a leadership that is not diverse and perceptions of an ‘old boys club’ persist. Many feel it is still the case that progression is based on whether
    ‘your face fits’ and this does not equate to an organisation that is committed to and
    values diversity."

    Read this research report. Do not worry it is on so paste the link below in your browser and enter. Please leave your feedback/comments after having a look. I have tested the link.

  2. Comment by Kevin Oliver posted on

    You're absolutely right. Skin Colour, Sexuality, Gender, Age...whatever should not matter.
    Everyone needs to be seen as they are, not how people choose to see them.
    When we can get society in that very important place, then we'll have truly arrived as Humanity. It's a way off, but we're working on it.

  3. Comment by Dakota posted on

    I don't want anyone to see my skin colour. I want to be truly visible. I want you to see ME.

  4. Comment by Charlotte Smith posted on

    Good article, but sadly i was unable to view the built in videos on a work computer 🙁

  5. Comment by Kevin Oliver posted on

    At last. Someone who "gets it".

    Role modelling is so important. You can read scripts as much as you like. It's your behaviour that people pay attention to.
    You'll be remembered far longer for how you make people feel that what you said to them.

    Be the person that your Dog thinks you are.

  6. Comment by Bhaskar Dasgupta posted on

    fantastic, posting on LinkedIn and tweeting

  7. Comment by Rozanne Kidd posted on

    Thanks for a great blog Navroza. Naomi also mentored me for a bit in DWP and I share your view on the impact role models such as Naomi and you can have. There is no longer thankfully any excuse, given how far we have travelled in recent years, for us, especially those who are leaders, to get out there and proactively act as enablers which encourages opportunity for all.

  8. Comment by Navroza Ladha posted on

    Thanks Gavin. Yep definitely lots of progress, but still a long way to go!

  9. Comment by Gavin Thomas posted on

    Thank you Navroza for a very inspiring blog. Having been in the Organisation over 27 years, I have seen a significant change in the attitude in respect to diversity and inclusion and there are far more opportunities for progression for ALL.

    However, I would agree that we are still a long way from achieving a Senior Management Board that is reflective of the diverse society that we currently live in and I doubt that this will change before I retire!

  10. Comment by Liz Chin posted on

    Thanks you for this very inspiring blog. I will be sharing it with my peers.

    • Replies to Liz Chin>

      Comment by Navroza Ladha posted on

      Thank you Liz. Please do share widely!