Shaping the future of the policy profession

Gareth Davies sets out the questions that the policy profession must answer to shape how it will operate in the years ahead.
Gareth Davies sets out the questions that the policy profession must answer to shape how it will operate in the years ahead.
Sir Andrew Dilnot discusses the potential of geospatial data and his aims as the new Chair of the Geospatial Commission.
Scottish Government Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans explains why kindness has a role in public policy.
The results of a pilot scheme by Crown Commercial Service and the Behavioural Insights Team to collect simple feedback from public sector buyers on certain purchases are both surprising and encouraging.
A new report looks at the impact of an expert panel, whose aim is to embed a culture of experimentation in government, making it easier for civil servants to improve public services by doing things differently.
A persistent focus on outcomes is at the heart of the journey the Scottish Government has been on in the last decade, says Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans.
Anna Mathew, a policy adviser at Cabinet Office, describes how she and colleagues worked on the review of anonymous electoral registration.
Leslie Evans, Scottish Government Permanent Secretary, says governments should do all they can to tap into the challenge and inspiration young people provide.
Graham Pendlebury hails the success of the first four-nation 'policy lab' event in the UK, and looks forward to repeating the experience.
Welsh Government Permanent Secretary Sir Derek Jones welcomes the first "Four Nations" policy profession meeting to exchange experience and best practice in policy-making.