To mark National Mentoring Day (27 October), John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service, and Bernadette Thompson, Co-Chair, Race to the Top G6/7 Network, share their experience of reverse mentoring.
Black History Month is an opportunity to learn more about some of Britain’s ethnic minority communities, says Dr Vivienne Connell-Hall.
Hayley Trezel compares her experience of working in the Civil Service with that of BAME colleagues.
Iris Anderson tells how academics, senior leaders, civil servants and a rapper and poet came together to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination - and the message they sent out.
The Civil Service Race Forum cheered out the Chinese New Year with great splendour and vibrancy, in the lavish surroundings of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 23 February. Martin...
...part of history which is still very relevant for today. Amanda shared her family history, and her personal reflections culminating in the lighting of a candle with the words “We...