Putting disability at the heart of everything we do
...that we support our colleagues with disabilities to continue to thrive in their careers. Only by increasing the representation of disabled people at all grades within the Civil Service can...
...that we support our colleagues with disabilities to continue to thrive in their careers. Only by increasing the representation of disabled people at all grades within the Civil Service can...
Blue sky thinking: Building evaluation into every step of policy design and delivery will be key in future Evaluation is a powerful tool to help you investigate the merit and...
...grief is different to the kind of grief felt following a death, and each individual will experience it to different degrees, and in their own way. It’s also important to...
...attitude to me choosing to dress differently in Luxembourg was obvious. By making the choice I had, I could no longer expect to work in a public-facing role, or frankly,...
...always seen this as a good time to look with fresh eyes at plans, to re-evaluate our progress and to consider together how we move forward with a renewed sense...
...understanding, show empathy and just check in to ask how they’re doing. These things helped me through my experience which was incredibly challenging, but also a complete privilege.◼︎ Rebecca Sudworth,...
...that. I now share my pronouns in my email signature and introduce myself in meetings/presentations with my pronouns as a signifying to non binary colleagues that I get pronouns. If...
...these teams needs to function in its own right and to interact successfully with all the other teams, as well as the other stakeholders involved in the legislative process. Things...
...approach to regulation. To celebrate their achievement, and provide some inspiration, we’ve interviewed some of the winners. Iain Forbes, Head of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Iain Forbes,...
...like James's have the confidence to run robust trials in-house. But lack of confidence is just one barrier to government experimentation. In the What Works Team, we are interested in...