The Government Property Profession social network tweet about it if what you have to say conforms to the Civil Service Code and your Press/Ministerial Office guidance. GPP Blog Our newest venture, the GPP blog, hosted... tweet about it if what you have to say conforms to the Civil Service Code and your Press/Ministerial Office guidance. GPP Blog Our newest venture, the GPP blog, hosted...
...comprising generic courses and hands-on learning and accredited or validated qualifications thriving communities of practice, with networks promoting collaboration, sharing best practice, advice and support, and informing strategies The project...
...are intending to participate here are my tips. #StaySavvy Read and understand the electronic media policy and, more pertinently, the Civil Service Code. Be exactly as you are at work...
...uncertainty Beware of media impact on staff morale Celebrate success of previous policies, address any sense of loss but demand professionalism Reinforce the Civil Service values and code Managing moves...
With 24-hour news and social media now an established part of public life, it’s been a very long time since recess was a code-word for relaxation – either for the...
...the Cabinet Office Above and Beyond award for promoting the benefits of mindfulness! 5 benefits The research into mindfulness is growing daily. It’s clear that it creates new pathways in...
...each event. Repeat sessions Venue Repeat session Time Glasgow The Syrian Resettlement Programme (session code IMP24) 09:30-10:15 Glasgow Creating a fairer Scotland (IMP20) 09.40-10.25 Glasgow Joint working: departments working together...
...add new sessions to your agenda. Venue Session Time Glasgow 16 June Civil servants’ showcase - an audience with Sir Jeremy Heywood (session code GPW18) 12.00-12.45 Coventry 29 June Civil...
...your P60 a phone number to receive your one-time security code You're also given the option to sign in using GOV.UK Verify. There’s a useful short film on YouTube about...
...laws. Our Code of Practice for testing automated vehicle technologies, published last July, is now being copied by other countries. In some areas, UK companies and universities have world-class capability....