The Civil Service has committed to becoming the UK’s most inclusive employer by 2020. The annual Diversity & Inclusion Awards showcase some of the best work going on across the Civil Service to help realise this ambition - from building diversity networks to changing behaviour.
The awards reward inspirational teams and individuals who champion diversity and inclusion. This year, more nominations than ever before were received, so the judges had a difficult job to decide on the finalists listed below.
The winners will be announced at the Diversity & Inclusion Awards ceremony in October.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a nomination, and best of luck to everyone on the shortlist.

2018 Diversity & Inclusion Awards shortlist
Cabinet Secretary Award
- Deborah Hayman, HMRC
- Digital & Technology Normalising Group, MoJ
- Kate Abbott, MHCLG
- Kavita Hansla, DIT
- Social Mobility Team, MoJ
Championing Disability Inclusion Award
- Ann Marie Symes, Home Office
- Durham and Tees Valley Jobcentre Plus, Support for Schools Team, DWP
- Equal, HSE
- Jaz Deo, Office of the Public Guardian
- Project SEARCH, Public Health England Colindale
Championing Gender Equality Award
- Digital & Technology Normalising Group, MoJ
- Jason Ghaboos, Home Office
- Longsight BAU Team, DWP
- Siobhan Sherry, BEIS
- Suffrage Centenary Volunteer Team, MHCLG
Championing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI) Inclusion Award
- Build Together, Homes England
- Dr Justin Varney, PHE
- Emma Dunn, HM Land Registry
- LGBT Network Committee, DVLA
- National Black Crown Prosecution Association (NBCPA) / CPS LGBT Network
Championing Race Equality Award
- Aspire Development Scheme, Working Age Directorate Department , DWP
- Bernadette Thompson and Anita Bhalla, Race to the Top G6/7 Network, Home Office
- Directorate of Defence Communications, MOD
- Ministerial Private Office and The NETWORK, Home Office
- Tendai Trafford, HSE
Championing Social Mobility Award
- Charlotte Dring, DEFRA
- Fast Stream and Early Talent, Cabinet Office
- Mariangela Hankinson and Julie Quinn, NW Group Partnership Team, DWP
- Social Mobility Network, DExEU
- Social Mobility Team, MoJ
Employee Excellence Network Award
- Ability Network, DCMS
- Digital & Technology Normalising Group, MoJ
- Equal, HSE
- Fair Treatment Service, MHCLG
- LGBT+ Network, DIT
You can find out more about each of the teams and individuals nominated by visiting the Diversity & Inclusion Awards website.
Comment by Ruel Cole posted on
Hello Dianne, this is Ruel Cole, I am more than happy to down load my wealth of knowledge regarding Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) and how it all started back on 15th July 1966 at Euston train station with Asquith Xavier, 52 years ago. everyone is talking about (D&I) but very few people know how it all came about, if you get a chance to visit Euston station you will see a plaque which has been dedicated to him..
Comment by Paul Willgoss posted on
Hi Dianne,
I lead Equal (HSE's disability network) - who would you like to talk to?
Comment by Sarah Worthy posted on
Hi Paul
Glad to see you are continuing your great work at HSE, well done on all the nominations for Equal!
Comment by Paul Willgoss posted on
Thanks Sarah! Hope all good with you!
Comment by Careena posted on
Hi Paul,
It is brilliant to see your nominations. Congratulations.
I am looking for Dyslexia/Dyspraxia/Dyscalculia staff networks in the Civil Service.
Do you have any sub-staff networks to support the above? If you do, or know other departments that do, can we please talk so that I can explain why I am asking.
Kind regards,
Comment by The Blog Team posted on
Hi Careena,
Thanks for your comment. By coincidence, we have just published the latest blog in our series highlighting civil servants' personal disability stories. This features Ross Duncan's insights into dyslexia and is introduced by Civil Service Disability Champion Philip Rutnam, who refers to the first meeting of the new cross-Civil Service Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Network. You can read the blog here. It includes a contact email for anyone seeking further information about the new network.
Comment by Dianne Pender posted on
I'd love to contact some of the nominees to understand a bit more about the really great work that has been going on. Can you tell me how I can do that please.