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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Ten good reasons to attend the Reserves Experience

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Woman holding landmine detector over sand box with man in military uniform looking on
A visitor at the Reserves Experience trying out landmine detection equipment, under the watchful eye of a Reservist

The Reserves Experience is back on the road this autumn. Having already visited Newcastle, it is moving on to London at the Westminster Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET on Wednesday 2 November. The event is sure to inspire, enlighten and surprise you. At least that’s what those who’ve been to previous Reserves Experience events have told us!

So, whatever you do in the Civil Service - whether you’re a director, a line manager, an HR specialist or if you just want to find out a little more about joining the Reserves - you’ll certainly find something to intrigue and engage you at the London Reserves Experience. It’ll only take a couple of hours of your time.

Here are just ten reasons to attend:

  • Find out what it’s really like to be a Reservist

Get a taste of life as a Reservist, the sorts of challenges they’re likely to confront and the experiences they gain.

  • Learn about the huge variety of roles that are available in the Reserves

Did you know that there are literally hundreds of different and exciting opportunities to choose from in the Royal Navy, Army and RAF Reserves? There’s so much more to being a Reservist than combat roles.

  • Find out how the Reserves give you and your team the opportunity to learn new skills

Reserve service gives you the chance to develop a whole range of different, valuable and transferable skills, such as leadership, communication, teamwork, decision-making, working under pressure and delivering at pace.

  • Understand how Reserve service can enhance your - and your team’s - performance in the Civil Service

You’ll be amazed at just how relevant the training, skills and experience you gain in the Reserves are to your Civil Service role and the extent to which they can be put to good use back in the day job.

  • Talk face-to-face with civil servant Reservists

You’ll hear first-hand about who they are, what they do and how they successfully balance the Reserves with a job in the Civil Service.

  • Discover how supportive the Civil Service is to its Reservist employees

Every government department recognises the commitment made to Reserve service by giving its Reservist employees 15 days' special paid leave every year for training.

  • Get some hands-on experience of life in the Reserves

The Reserves Experience is designed to be immersive and highly interactive. For example, as well as trying out some of the kit, you’ll even get the chance to carry out a simple group task to bring out your leadership and teamwork skills.

  • Be inspired by the Reservists’ enthusiasm

You’ll be impressed by the dedication of the Reservists you meet and the pride they take in the work they do. As one previous attendee said “I was struck by the obvious passion they had for the job they carry out in the Reserves.”

  • Bust some of those myths and preconceptions

Did you know that you get paid to be a Reservist, as well as getting a tax-free training bounty? That you can join the Reserves up to the age of 50, depending on the role? That Reserve service doesn’t mean spending long periods away from home? As one attendee said of the Reserves Experience, “There is a lot that people could learn about the Reserves.”

  • Last, but by no means least, have some fun with your colleagues!

So, if we’ve piqued your interest, why not register now to attend the London Reserves Experience on Wednesday 2 November.

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  1. Comment by Joanne Parker posted on

    It’s fantastic to read that the day was a success. RAF Leeming held a Civil Service Challenge day earlier this year also to allow the CS’s to experience and learn of the roles available within the reserves. Would it be possible to hold an event in the midlands?

    • Replies to Joanne Parker>

      Comment by The Reserves Experience Team posted on

      Thanks for your interest in the London Reserves Experience. We haven’t yet finalised our plans for 2017 but we’ll keep you posted on future activities via Civil Service News.

  2. Comment by C Dunn posted on

    Dear Sir, Madam,

    Is there a Reserves Experience planned for 2017?

    Regards, Chris.

  3. Comment by Rowena posted on

    Please advise - my nephews are interested in finding out more. They do not work for the civil service - please advise of sessions they can attend

  4. Comment by Guy Watts posted on

    I guess this must be aimed at younger people. But what opportunities are available to older staff (i.e. 62 year old ex Troop Commander in the Royal Artillery)?