National Inclusion Week consider our behaviours to create an inclusive workplace. We have also launched Removing Barriers to Success - an ambitious two year programme to embed diversity and inclusion into all... consider our behaviours to create an inclusive workplace. We have also launched Removing Barriers to Success - an ambitious two year programme to embed diversity and inclusion into all...
...time to prepare nominations in the Civil Service Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2015 and congratulations to all 35 nominees who were shortlisted! A special mention goes to the Home Office...
Matthew Coats, chief executive at the Legal Aid Agency, explains why he believes no organisation can succeed that does not fully embrace diversity and inclusion.
Rob Neil, MoJ's interim head of Diversity & Inclusion, urges everyone to take part in the largest-ever Race at Work survey. The results will help inform the Talent Action Plan to remove barriers to success for under-represented groups.
...making towards a Civil Service that is a truly diverse and inclusive place to work, where everyone is free to be themselves and has an equal opportunity to achieve their...
...control over the work, be prepared to discuss decisions and sometimes to compromise, as well as to share the credit for successes and responsibility for failures. You may not get...
Professor Binna Kandola, OBE, a provider of unconscious bias learning to civil servants, explains why diversity and inclusion have to go hand in hand in organisations.
The weather came out for Pride this weekend, and so did our LGB&T colleagues from across the Civil Service, including Perm Secs and diversity champions Sue Owen and Richard Heaton.
Jeremy Heywood announces the appointment of Sue Owen as the new Civil Service Diversity Champion, and of Jon Thompson, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, as the first holder of the new position of Civil Service Social Mobility Champion.
Fresh from taking part in the annual Pride march in London with the Civil Service Rainbow Alliance, DECC civil servant Brais Louro-Larino describes what Pride means to him.