Going the extra mile
The recipient of the 2019 Civil Service Award for Citizenship was Mairi Macneil of the Department for Work and Pensions.
Mairi was nominated for her work over many years with local charities and groups, which has helped in her day-to-day role as a work coach at the Stornoway Jobcentre in the Outer Hebrides, where she has worked for 40 years.
During her Civil Service career, Mairi has created partnerships with voluntary groups and organisations, securing tens of thousands of pounds in funding for charities such as The Dyslexia Group, Enable, and Western Isles Carers, Users and Supporters Network. She works energetically to raise awareness of the causes she cares about, particularly the issues facing unpaid carers and service users around benefits, respite, adult carer support plans, and hospital and social care services.
Mairi currently works with 50 carers, providing personalised support within the local community.
The award was presented by Melanie Dawes, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. She praised Mairi for working “tirelessly to improve and support the services provided for disabled people and the caring community of the Western Isles”, and for campaigning with “enthusiasm, energy, determination and commitment” for the most vulnerable in the community, who are often unable to voice their needs and concerns.
Comment by Amanda Gibb posted on
Well done Mairi.
Comment by Janet Macdonald posted on
Meal do naidheachd 🙂
Comment by Carol Campbell posted on
Congratulations Mairi. Nice to see such a worthwhile award coming to the Outer Hebrides.