...engage with Chinese culture, it's a great example of how we're working to Champion Difference both in and outside of the Civil Service. Follow CS Race Forum on Twitter: @CSRaceforum...
...part of history which is still very relevant for today. Amanda shared her family history, and her personal reflections culminating in the lighting of a candle with the words “We...
...Running from Monday 30 November until Friday 4 December, there are a wide-range of events including: Tim Whittaker from the Charity for Civil Servants will talk about the ‘carer’s passport’...
...Race for Opportunities, We Are the City, Sports Grounds Safety Authority as well John Manzoni, and Perm Secs Ursula Brennan, Robert Devereux and gender champion, Melanie Dawes. Here's a flavour...
...this very informal 'speed dating' and networking event to help people find new job share partners. The event will run from 4-5.30pm with the first hour being the speed dating...
Our recent leadership workshops found that open and honest personal relations between individuals and leaders translate into great teams. What do you think?
The Ministry of Justice recently celebrated LGB&T History month with an event to highlight the importance of a workplace for staff to be themselves, regardless of orientation. Here's what you missed.
Ursula Brennan, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Justice, introduces this year's Civil Service International Women's Day event.
...together. Teaching Children to Code We arranged a visit from 6 11-year olds from Netley Primary School in Camden, who took part in a BBC-led coding session involving a Dr....
Catch up with all the social media reaction to the guest speakers Richard Heaton, Deborah Bronnert, Sarah Healey, Sarah Hill and Jenny Dibden.