Transforming the way we work
What does 'transforming the way we work' mean to civil servants? The Smarter Working team shine a light on their work of the last 18 months.
Right across government we are changing our understanding of how people and organisations work, the work itself, about how and where it is best done. Under the The Way We Work (or TW3 for short) – a game changer programme for Civil Service Reform – we are witnessing a quiet revolution in how civil servants work.
Over coming months, blogs will feature perspectives and insights on a Civil Service that embraces a culture of Smart Working.
What does 'transforming the way we work' mean to civil servants? The Smarter Working team shine a light on their work of the last 18 months.
...they think its about working from home and look forward to not having to commute every day, but it’s not really about that either. Or they say it’s all about...
...a network of options, and for many people their work and personal lives are becoming more integrated. So said Gus O’Donnell, former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service...
Anyone going into any courtroom three years ago would have seen prosecutors with a stack of files on the bench, and similarly the shelves in our offices were piled high with paper case files. This is changing – every day thousands of cases are being prepared and presented digitally by prosecutors in courts across England and Wales.