Make me a property expert... in a day?

The 'Understanding Property' course commissioned by the Government Property Unit may not make you a property expert in one day, but it's certainly a good start.
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The 'Understanding Property' course commissioned by the Government Property Unit may not make you a property expert in one day, but it's certainly a good start.
Jason Essenhigh has agreed to step into the GPP Board role as Lead for the Commercial Surveying discipline following the recent resignation of John Richards due to increased departmental workload....
The Property Asset Management Capability Assessment Model (PAMCAM) has been revised and updated and will be available to all government departments from the beginning of September 2014. The new model...
...Guide to Smart Working in Government released in 2014. In the Cabinet Office’s The Way We Work programme (TW3) modern workplaces are matched with mobile technology and simplified security to...
...Peter Penney, HMRC: Facilities Management Jane Hallett, Defence Infrastructure Organisation: Environment Richard Bryan, VOA: Quantity Surveying and Construction Patrick Donohue, GPU: Commercial Surveying (Investment) Everyone is looking forward to a... form a single Board reflecting the wider membership; Renaming the Profession to reflect the more holistic nature – Government Property Profession; Formalising membership through registration; Acting as a single...
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