Learning at Work Week, which runs from 14 to 20 May, is all about taking some time to learn something new, or even just to reflect on the things we’re learning each day.
We all know it can sometimes be a struggle to find the time to learn or to make the best use of opportunities to learn. This week is a timely reminder of how much we stand to gain from making our learning a priority.
While I take the opportunity to do formal learning when I can, more often I like to learn on the go: listening to podcasts like Coaching for leaders, webinars and Ted talks, which are easy to fit around other commitments. I have to admit I sign up to too many online updates - the Harvard Business Review or Mindtools being two examples - but there’s some fascinating learning out there. I don’t read everything I sign up to, but a quick look at the title will usually tell me whether it could be useful to dip into. I keep all these learning opportunities in an email folder so I can go back to them later if I don’t have the time immediately (it also keeps my inbox free).
Digital learning provides a great opportunity to dip in and out of learning - and all digital-only topics on the Civil Service Learning (CSL) website are now free of charge. The same applies to the digital-only version of Management Fundamentals, which brings together a set of online learning topics that learning leaders from across the Civil Service agreed were essential topics for managers. The Civil Service Leadership Academy developed this programme in short bite-size chunks so that managers could fit the learning around their daily activities. The programme starts with a self-assessment tool that helps managers decide which topics could be useful for them. Departments can also book a version that includes additional workshops.
Here in CSL we’re all going to start Management Fundamentals together in Learning at Work Week, arranging our own workshops to share learning and keep each other motivated as we go. We want everyone to share all the great learning that’s available.
Last but not least, this short learning-at-work guide on Becoming a better learner helps you think about how you motivate yourself and provides tactics for better learning. So why not give it a read this week?
Places at Civil Service Live 2018, the biggest learning event of the year for civil servants, are still available. You can register here.