Leading by example - men championing job sharing in the Civil Service

In the week of International Men’s Day, we hear about men leading by example to promote the benefits of job sharing for everyone.
In the week of International Men’s Day, we hear about men leading by example to promote the benefits of job sharing for everyone.
Brian Stanislas introduces the newly refreshed and updated Civil Service Job Share Finder.
Job shares come in a variety of forms, as Helen Mills and Richard Ney from the Department for Exiting the EU (DExEU) explain from their own experience.
In National Work Life Week, Brian Stanislas gives an update on job sharing and flexible working in the Civil Service.
What's been happening in the world of job sharing in the Civil Service? Caz Thomas, Chair of the Job Share and Alternative Working Network, brings us up to date.
Brian Stanislas writes about the thrill of Civil Service Job Share Finder winning the Innovation category at the 2016 Top Employers for Working Families Awards.
Caz Thomas, Chair of the Civil Service Job Share and Alternative Working Network, charts the progress of job sharing in the Civil Service.
Deborah Brooks and Susie Owen reflect on their time as Deputy Directors for Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion – and how we will know when we've achieved it.
More male job-sharers; a job-share permanent secretary? Stephen Lovegrove looks at what makes job sharing work and how it could develop in the Civil Service.
May El Komy and Nerissa Steel explain why being in a job share gives them confidence they can do justice to their job and have a comfortable work/life balance.