Working part-time isn't career limiting
Having been recognised on the FT/Timewise Part-time Power List, Cabinet Office's Deborah Brooks (right) extols the benefits of job sharing.
Having been recognised on the FT/Timewise Part-time Power List, Cabinet Office's Deborah Brooks (right) extols the benefits of job sharing. the fact that it is a tool that they can use as they wish - for example, some use it to monitor staff sickness absence rates, others procurement spend...
...engaging team activity. Just today at a team meeting we created a list of our top 100 stakeholders in under three minutes. Finally the new technology has enabled substantive improvements...
If you’re thinking of taking a more adventurous turn in your life, learning new skills that will improve your employability and enhance your Civil Service career, here are 10 surprising facts about joining the Reserve Forces.
...proposed or planned by central government. This allows the industry to see where projects are taking place, both in terms of region and sectors, and helps show that government is...
Simon Case, Director General, Implementation Group at the Cabinet Office, talks about the challenges and benefits of managing an SCS job share.
...leaders from within, so it wasn't long before promotion brought the first of a series of stripes. Leading teams and instructing across a number of subject areas helped build my...
...together. Teaching Children to Code We arranged a visit from 6 11-year olds from Netley Primary School in Camden, who took part in a BBC-led coding session involving a Dr....
To celebrate Trafalgar Day we've dug into the archives to find out what life is like as a Royal Navy reserve, and how the skills learned in the Reserve Forces are transferrable to the Civil Service.
When the Government Office network was abolished, and we both applied for the same position in the newly created Local Intelligence Team in the office of Civil Society (Cabinet Office), we were offered the post on a job-share basis. We are part of a team of 9, with 1 colleague based in each of the other 7 English regions and we have an outward facing role, engaging with stakeholders from voluntary and community sector organisations, local authorities and business across the whole of the South West.