Your development – feel the fear and reap the rewards
It's Mid-Year Review time - the ideal opportunity, says Sue Byrom, Attendance and Wellbeing Champion in the HMRC Fraud Investigation Service, to think about your personal and career development.
It's Mid-Year Review time - the ideal opportunity, says Sue Byrom, Attendance and Wellbeing Champion in the HMRC Fraud Investigation Service, to think about your personal and career development.
In April 2015, Civil Service Learning ran a series of events to help prepare civil servants for a new government. Read the top tips for success that emerged from these sessions.
Self-confessed introvert Helen Anderson gives us top tips for all about mentally preparing to learn at open learning sessions like Civil Service Live. we improve policy and service delivery and is vital to build a more flexible and responsive civil service. This year, we are bringing you sessions that span digital, smart...
Professor Binna Kandola, OBE, a provider of unconscious bias learning to civil servants, explains why diversity and inclusion have to go hand in hand in organisations.
It's time to book your place at Civil Service Live 2015, the biggest learning opportunity of the year, with events around the country. As Sir Jeremy Heywood writes, everyone can benefit from attending and learning something new.
The Scotland Office's Colin Faulkner spent election purdah helping fellow civil servants prepare for a new government. He believes we can make more use of our accumulated expertise to learn from each other.
...must build a strong and diverse pipeline for future DG and Permanent Secretary roles - individuals who can compete with the best from the private sector. I’m a strong believer...
...and they don’t like having separate passwords for the different systems we use in departments. This is a great mandate for us to do better, and what we do with...
...CIPD – the professional body for learning and development professionals –notes the prominent use of ‘in-house development programmes’ by many successful organisations. These use a blend of formal courses and...