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Civil Service

A great place to work

A range of blogs illustrating the theme of the same name, one of the four supporting pillars of the vision of 'A Brilliant Civil Service'.

The strapline for this theme is: "A brilliant Civil Service - a great place to work. It will continue to be inclusive, flexible, modern and connected, sitting at the heart of a wider public service. In everything we do we will encourage openness, challenge, innovation and excellence."

The three other pillars of the vision are: Improved outcomes; Effective leaders; Skilled people.

Top tips on delivering digital projects with global partners

Government Digital Service and GovTech in Singapore renewed their memorandum of understanding on digital transformation on 4 July 2022.

Digital transformation is hard, but the UK’s Government Digital Service experience helps countries around the world with this challenge. UK expertise in digital and technology transformation is much in demand across the world. Some of the lessons learned from COVID-19 …

Welsh language: A national treasure

Welsh flag

To help drive up diversity across Wales, the Cabinet Office has pledged to treat the English and Welsh languages on an equal footing. To improve the voice of Welsh speaking citizens, the Civil Service Jobs team now has the option …

Civil Service Live - “Such a motivating, inspiring day!”

Civil Service Live, 2022

But don’t take our word for it. Civil Service Live (CSL) is the world’s biggest staff learning and discovery event. Through June and July, CSL spanned five cities, six dates and welcomed more than 15,000 delegates through its doors, but …

How Job Sharing is Going Mainstream

Ruth Hannant and Polly Payne, Directors General for Culture Sport and Civil Society in DCMS

Ruth Hannant and Polly Payne are the first DG-level Civil Service job share  The perception of job-sharing has shifted hugely in recent years from part-time jobs held by junior employees to gradually opening up many more high-powered roles for senior …

My only guaranteed hot meal was my free school lunch

Vicky McGurk, My Life, My Career

From part-time AO to thriving senior leader in the Civil Service, Vicky McGurk is living proof that you can overcome childhood struggles and make life a success. Interview: Lorraine McBride Born and raised in one of Blackburn’s poorest council estates, …

Civil Service winds of change

Images of civil servants who joined in the 80s

In the same week, Her Majesty celebrates her Platinum Jubilee, we speak to loyal, long-term civil servants on how life at work has changed over the decades. ‘I felt really modern having a push button phone’ Dawn Lennie is a …

Civil Service Live: What's on and what to expect

Civil Service Live, 2016 when a delegate asked a question

Civil Service Live is just around the corner with six dates spanning five cities in June and July 2022. Lorraine McBride’s here with a run-down on what’s on. After two years online, Civil Service Live (CSL) is back with an …

Breaking the menopause taboo in the Civil Service 

Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary Antonia Romeo

Antonia Romeo, Civil Service Gender Inclusion Champion, welcomes the new Civil Service Menopause in the Workplace Policy and explains what it means.       The Civil Service should be at the forefront of inclusivity, breaking down barriers and treating every one of …

Secret Art of Blogging

Image of scrabble letters spelling out BLOG

We’re here with everything you need to know about crafting a cracking blog post. As editor of the Civil Service Blog, I’m regularly asked what makes a great blog post, so let’s start with the basics. The goal for any …