Can you hack it? Join us at Civil Service Live London! things, evaluating constantly, and focused on delivering without a hierarchy. It’s an inspiring way to work. We will have people from Civil Service Learning, GDS, DWP, the Home Office... things, evaluating constantly, and focused on delivering without a hierarchy. It’s an inspiring way to work. We will have people from Civil Service Learning, GDS, DWP, the Home Office...
...of our first ever #CivilServiceLive to go to Scotland was we're one big family, and we can learn plenty from each other. Here's what happened from a sunny Murrayfield.
Civil Service Awards 2014 - the Awards I’m delighted to see the publication of the shortlist for the 10th anniversary Civil Service Awards. As Dame Una O’Brien, Permanent Secretary at...
...encourage colleagues from all the administrations to take a look. I’m sure you’ll find something of practical interest within. Lucy Smith, Constitution Director, presenting a devolution quiz at Civil Service...
...our record on social mobility. We have more to do This is, however, only the start. We have much more to do to achieve our objective. But we now have...
...what’s happening in the Civil Service. Learning outside my comfort zone Positive Action Pathways banner at Civil Service Live I’ve also learned a lot more about myself, through a variety...
With the GCHQ band and the GCS Comms Hub in full flow and both Sir Jeremy Heywood and John Manzoni presenting, the South West and Wales leg of Civil Service...
...range of experiences that you can gain is incredible. You can also maintain a good work/life balance, there’s a huge sense of community and we chat over lunch in the...
...each department, as well as capturing priorities for those of us who play a cross-Government role on diversity. For example, my own objectives include my priorities for DCMS, as well...
From climbing scaffolding to presenting in court, HSE's Laura Moran discovered there are no ordinary careers when she joined the Civil Service.
The Civil Service does the practical and administrative work of government. More than half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public.
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