Civil Service Live: London - pictures and social round-up

...In fact we had over 300 pledges made during the 2 days. Keep an eye open on the blog because we'll be doing something with your pledges soon! Civil Service...
...In fact we had over 300 pledges made during the 2 days. Keep an eye open on the blog because we'll be doing something with your pledges soon! Civil Service...
...Liz Ditchburn, Director of Policy at the Department for International Development (DFID), and John O’Brien, Director of Safeguarding at the Home Office talk about the background to Girl Summit, and...
...themselves or others forward for consideration in this year’s awards. Good luck! Una O’Brien, Permanent Secretary at the Department of Health, Civil Service Awards Champion and Judge at Civil Service...
...revealed. It was a really nice surprise! It was a privilege to be invited to attend the ceremony in London and I was very pleased with how much my work...
...Award The Dame Lesley Strathie Operational Excellence Award The Communication Award The Skills Award The Professional of the Year Award The Leadership Award The Excellence in Civil Service Reform Award...
Over 1700 delegates turned up to St James' Park in Newcastle (3 July 2014) for our third - and biggest - learning event so far. Once again the day featured...
...Breast Cancer, which was part of the Detecting Cancer Early programme of social marketing work. As a result of the campaign 21,000 women consulted their GP with breast cancer symptoms...
...Away from Civil Service Live, civil servants were out and about in force. The Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Team won the 'Overall Award for Public Sector Employer of the...
...well job sharing fits with wider Civil Service reform priorities, and reinforced his and Sir Jeremy Heywood’s commitment to diversity in the Civil Service. The audience then had a chance...
London was painted in the colours of the rainbow over the weekend, as the city’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* communities and allies came together for ‘Pride in London’. The...
The Civil Service does the practical and administrative work of government. More than half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public.
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