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Civil Service

Catherine Day

Catherine Day - Deputy Director, Cabinet Office. On attachment for a year as a Member of the Royal College of Defence Studies.

Empowering people: Unlocking democracy’s superpower

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Cabinet Office civil servant, Catherine Day, visited the London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Neighbourhood Policing Citizens’ Assembly to explore how such assemblies work and their impact. She convenes a cross-government participatory methods forum to improve broad-based participation in policymaking. As …

Creating our Country’s Collective Brain

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A Modern Civil Service, A Skilled Civil Service, An Ambitious Civil Service
Author Catherine Day

Frontline Civil Servant Catherine Day explains why the Royal College of Defence Studies’ Global Strategy Programme is an invaluable experience for anyone who aspires to lead. My 25-year career has involved working on some of the UK’s biggest security challenges. …