The 6 ‘C’s for ‘getting’ devolution

Danny Jeyasingam has six tips for civil servants on working with their counterparts in the different administrations in the UK.
Danny Jeyasingam has six tips for civil servants on working with their counterparts in the different administrations in the UK.
More reactions from civil servants shortlisted for a Civil Service Award?
Graham Pendlebury hails the success of the first four-nation 'policy lab' event in the UK, and looks forward to repeating the experience.
Welsh Government Permanent Secretary Sir Derek Jones welcomes the first "Four Nations" policy profession meeting to exchange experience and best practice in policy-making.
Do you know which was the first legislative body to have equal numbers of male and female members? Find out this and other fascinating facts thrown up by Devolution Learning Week.
You might not associate foreign policy with devolution, but as FCO's Tim Hemmings shows, devolution is part of the context in which all government departments operate.
...referendum in 2014, followed by the Smith Commission on further powers, and then the introduction of the Scotland Bill into the UK Parliament in May. Lead by the Scotland Office,...
Jackie was the winner of the HMRC People Award and CS Award for Leadership in 2011, she shares her views on what makes an outstanding leader.