How does it feel to go through a change programme?
Having experienced change first-hand, members of the London Bridge JobCentre Plus team discuss what happened to make the changes so successful.
Having experienced change first-hand, members of the London Bridge JobCentre Plus team discuss what happened to make the changes so successful.
Baljeet Mahal from London Bridge JobCentre Plus shares her top tips for leading successful change management in your department or team.
The Prime Minister presenting the Growth Award to the Britain is GREAT campaign team The Civil Service Awards celebrate and promote excellence across government. They are an opportunity to reward...
I’m a big fan of job shares – so am delighted this network has been established. I was recently involved with some work on getting more women into senior positions in the civil service. One of the major issues we identified was managers not understanding the benefits of having jobsharers working for them – and not thinking creatively enough about how they can design jobs to suit jobsharers.