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Civil Service

This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Planning for a secure future

Image of a couple in silhouette in a hand

Maryam Teschke-Panah, the Civil Service’s Deputy Age Champion, encourages civil servants to learn more about their pensions.

It's never too early (or too late) to be thinking about your future income. Your pension can be the last thing on your mind when you need money for other things but it is a really good investment for your future. The Civil Service Pension Scheme provides many benefits and options to help you plan the lifestyle you want after you retire.

Retired woman enjoying a bike rideRegardless of your grade, age, whether you have recently joined, or are close to retirement, you can learn more about one of the best benefits of being in the Civil Service - your pension! 

Did you know...

◼︎The Civil Service Pension Scheme has the lowest number of members opting out when compared to other public sector schemes

◼︎Civil servants who join the CS Pension Scheme are auto enrolled into alpha - it's never too early to start saving for your future.

◼︎Aside from your salary, your Civil Service Pension is your most valuable benefit and provides an income for you when you're no longer working.

A retired couple hand in hand, walking

◼︎Active members of the Civil Service Pension Scheme can view their Annual Benefit Statement online. Login to the portal to see what your pension could be worth.

◼︎There's a useful modeller to scenario-plan when you'd like to retire. The easy to use tool shows how much you'd have if you continued to work in the Civil Service at your current salary.

◼︎There's a useful modeller to scenario-plan when you'd like to retire. The easy to use tool shows how much you'd have if you continued to work in the Civil Service at your current salary.

At Civil Service Live, experts from the Civil Service Pensions Team helped attendees understand why their pension is so important, how to boost retirement savings and how to look after your loved ones if anything happens to you.

The Pensions team answered hundreds of questions. Many attendees were interested in how they could save more money to ensure they had a better retirement. Partial retirement was discussed as one of the options for achieving a better work/life balance. The 2015 Remedy Programme and the move to alpha also generated a lot of interest. 

If you missed those sessions or just want to learn more, the Civil Service Pensions team will be running another series of online events in September as part of Pensions Awareness Week. Last year over 35,000 people registered to attend.

MyCSP Pension Awareness Week 2022

You can book onto these sessions by clicking on this link. The sessions will be recorded so if you don’t get the opportunity to attend, you can view them at a later date.

If you want to know more in the meantime, please go to the Civil Service Pensions website.

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