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Civil Service

This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Helping inspire women to get into finance

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Diversity and inclusion
Photo of Charlotte Hogg, Chief Operating Officer Bank of England, welcoming delegates
Charlotte Hogg, Chief Operating Officer Bank of England, welcomes delegates

There are some things it's worth throwing your plans up in the air for. And so it was with (Inspiring Women in Finance event) speed mentoring at the Bank of England with women from the financial sector meeting with girls aged 13 to 17 from state schools across East London.

I did it for 2 reasons. On a professional level I felt it was important that we are out there signalling to the next generation that they can do it too.

It also resonated on a personal level as I went to a state school in the midlands. My dad was a single parent for a long time. I have mediocre O levels and didn't stay on for A levels. I got a second chance when made redundant at 21 when I decided to do an access course at Hillcroft College for Adult Women before working in Hackney and then going to Oxford. Most important of all I met people along the way who encouraged me to believe things were possible that I had never even knew existed let alone imagined for myself - And I promised myself I'd never forget that.

I don't know what these young women felt after that event, but if only one of them left with a new sense of possibility and inspiration, it was time well spent.

If you want to get involved with the Inspiring Women campaign, register as a volunteer at their website.

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  1. Comment by Charlotte posted on

    It is not often blogs do this, but this blog has restored my faith in reading blogs. Why? Because the tone is heartfelt, it's to the point and provides news of practical (rather than theoretical) activity.
    For so long I have felt that working class men and women could do a great job in the finance sector, given we have had the best and most resourceful teachers in the world - our cash strapped parents. For this reason, once my Philosophy degree is completed in April this year, I am saving to go onto to do a Master degree in Accountancy. Hopefully by the time these schoolkids come out into the workplace, I will be qualified (through my masters and 54 years life experience) to share financial know-how with them.
    Just like my widowed Grandmother did with me, all those years ago.

    thanks for the inspiration Indra.

    • Replies to Charlotte>

      Comment by Jeremy posted on

      I too did a philosophy degree and then toyed with doing further academic study. But do consider working in practice and obtaining the professional accounting qualification. A masters only exempts you from some of the exams and if you are serious about becoming an accountant you will have to get qualified anyway.
      Accountancy, by comparison to other professions is really quite egalitarian and gender friendly. There is reasonably a 50:50 split in the profession and I've regularly seen accountants from all walks of life.
      I myself come from a bog standard comprehensive school and, now, 10 years after qualifying, there is no difference between me and others with a more privileged background. The point is - competence is everything