International impact in a domestic department

Mark Sedwill, Permanent Secretary of the Home Office explains why we should think differently about overseas work, and how it can impact on the UK.
Mark Sedwill, Permanent Secretary of the Home Office explains why we should think differently about overseas work, and how it can impact on the UK.
I've been HR Director in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office for almost 3 years. During this time I’ve thought a lot about line management - for myself, my team, my...
My husband and I have been job-sharing the role of Ambassador in Armenia for the past two years. We decided to use the format pioneered by the first couple to job-share the head of post role – four months on/off – and have found this has worked very well, for us, for the Embassy team and for our wider external contacts. It is a long enough period to see a lot of decisions/ business through and to (re)establish yourself as the person in the hot seat; but it is not so long that you lose touch with the key issues or the key people.