The Spending Review and what it means for the Civil Service
Jeremy Heywood, John Manzoni and Nicholas Macpherson explain how the Spending Review will affect civil servants.
The Permanent Secretary, as Principal Accounting Officer, is responsible for the overall management of the HM Treasury.
Jeremy Heywood, John Manzoni and Nicholas Macpherson explain how the Spending Review will affect civil servants.
Treasury Permanent Secretary Nicholas Macpherson invites public sector workers to submit their ideas for finding savings, cutting waste and improving public services.
HM Treasury Permanent Secretary Sir Nicholas Macpherson looks back at the first decade of HMRC.
General Elections are typically periods when the Civil Service needs to prepare for potential change. But there are some things which will stay the same. I can guarantee that whoever...
...on a year ago. For the first time in a long time a recovery in real wages seems under way. The public finance figures today confirms this trend. Net public...
Sir Nicholas Macpherson, Permanent Secretary at HM Treasury talks about the important role the Civil Service played in the First World War.
The Civil Service does the practical and administrative work of government. More than half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public.
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