Days in the lives of flexible-working fathers – Part 2

Brian Stanislas introduces the second of two blogs showcasing the experiences of fathers working from home during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Cross-Government Flexible Working Network (CGFWN) is a Civil Service staff network that supports the development of a flexible working culture across government.
Its objectives are to:
- help influence and shape the culture across government through the development of flexible working initiatives that will assist departments to understand how flexible working can help deliver their strategic aims more effectively;
- understand current practice and culture to improve and share best practice;
- act as advocates for flexible working, sharing value for money, sustainability, motivation and health and wellbeing benefits of best practice; and
- act as a source of advice/information and support to colleagues across the Civil Service.
Brian Stanislas introduces the second of two blogs showcasing the experiences of fathers working from home during the coronavirus pandemic.
Brian Stanislas introduces the first of two posts for Father's Day with first-hand accounts of civil servant dads juggling home-working and childcare during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Civil Service does the practical and administrative work of government. More than half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public.
We welcome a range of stories from civil servants to this blog, if you would like to share something then email for details on how to get involved.