Championing gender diversity

Sir Simon Fraser welcomes Melanie Dawes to her new roles as Permanent Secretary at the Department for Communities and Local Government and as gender champion for the Civil Service.
Sir Simon Fraser welcomes Melanie Dawes to her new roles as Permanent Secretary at the Department for Communities and Local Government and as gender champion for the Civil Service.
I’m a big fan of job shares – so am delighted this network has been established. I was recently involved with some work on getting more women into senior positions in the civil service. One of the major issues we identified was managers not understanding the benefits of having jobsharers working for them – and not thinking creatively enough about how they can design jobs to suit jobsharers.
Work to live or live to work? It’s a sad indictment of modern living but many people feel the latter best describes their situation.
Not me though. I have a job share partner or as she likes to jest, a work-wife. And much like a marriage, job sharing requires commitment, loyalty and a healthy dose of honesty. It is not for the faint hearted but the rewards can be immense.