Civil Service Diversity Champion Sir Simon Fraser looks at three new reports into barriers faced by civil servants from under-represented groups, and introduces a refreshed Talent Action Plan to ensure that talented civil servants can progress regardless of who they are or their background.
Sue Owen reflects on Civil Service celebrations of LGBT History Month, how far we have come and how much remains to be done to show those thinking of joining that the Civil Service is an inclusive employer
The Ministry of Justice recently celebrated LGB&T History month with an event to highlight the importance of a workplace for staff to be themselves, regardless of orientation. Here's what you missed.
Civil Service LGB&T champion Sue Owen talks about the recent Stonewall Top 100 Employers List, and the ways we're trying to support our staff.
...networks. We had staff join us from right across the UK, from the south west and Wales to the north east. Find out more about the day, including some of...