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Civil Service

This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

How charging 5p per carrier bag is changing Wales

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Infographic showing the percentage decrease in use of single-use carrier bags in Wales

Levying a carrier bag charge in Wales is benefitting the environment, local charities and retailers - and all for just 5p a bag! Matthew Quinn from the Welsh Government explains how it's working.

Read 'Bagging the Benefits of the Carrier Bag Charge' in Civil Service Quarterly

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  1. Comment by Ian McCall posted on

    We always used plastic carrier bags for bagging waste prior to throwing it in the bin. In particular food waste. If these bags are to be taken away then we shall purchase swing lid bin liners in their place. I suspect many others will do similar. How then will this benefit the environment. Surely the answer is not to get rid of bags but to make them bio degradeable.?

  2. Comment by Ben Dyson posted on

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to implement this in England as well?