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Civil Service

John Mark Haskey

I am a Knowledge & Information Management professional with expertise in programme and project leadership, communications and IT (inc Social Media). I started my civil service career, after working in the chemical / plastics industry for ten years, by joining the Manpower Services Commision. Since then, either through personal moves or by 'machinery of government' changes I have worked in DWP (including the Employment Service and Jobcentreplus), DfEE, DfE, DfES, DCSF, DCLG, Government Offices for the East of England (GOEE) and London (GOL), HMRC and Civil Service HR (Resourcing). I am keen to help government move fully into the 21st century, by appropriate use of modern IT, Social Media and ways of working. I introduced a MediaWiki site into a 'Microsoft Only' department and you may find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, Wikipedia and FaceBook.